Charleston Emergency Response and Recovery Centre
Register Your Organization
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Organization Registration
Is your organization already registered on this site? If so select it from the list below:
Charleston Community Centre Incorporated
Register a new organization
Is your organization registered on a different site?
Message us and we can synchronize it to this site
Not part of an organization?
Register as an individual instead
Organization Name
What is your rationale for registering?
We only permit non-profit organizations or mutual aid groups to have organizational access to the platform. You can
view our rules here
. If you are a non-profit organization or mutual aid group actively working in the area, please use the space below to briefly explain how you will use this platform to help the community. This explanation will not be seen by the public, it will only be seen by administrators in order to determine your group’s eligibility and need for platform access.
Organization Description
This description will be seen by the public on an organizational profile page. Please use plain, descriptive language, easy-to-read formatting and organizational contact information.
Area of operation
State/Province Wide
Organization Website
Donation Web Address
If you would like to be listed in the donations section, enter the web address to your donations page.
Your Information
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Your username is public and can appear throughout the site.
Confirm Password
I am 18 years or older
I agree to the
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy